
5 project milestones that set your team up for success

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Project planning

5 project milestones that set your team up for success

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I remember how frustrating it was as a new project manager to manage a project without clear project milestones.  

It took a lot of work to keep the team on track, measure progress, and stay focused on the big picture. However, after working with my team and client to set clear milestones and dates, everything started to fall into place, and we made real progress.

Milestones are essential checkpoints in a project that indicate the completion of a significant event, project phase, or deliverable. They provide structure and direction, helping everyone stay aligned and focused on achieving the project goals. By understanding the benefits of setting clear milestones and implementing practical tips for setting and tracking them effectively, you can provide your team structure and direction while keeping everyone aligned and focused on the ultimate objectives and project goals.

This article will provide valuable insights and tools for both seasoned and new PMs to manage projects using a milestone-based approach effectively.

What are project milestones used for?

At their core, project milestones are critical checkpoints for achieving your project goals. As a project manager, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details of a complex project and lose sight of the bigger picture. Milestones provide a way to break down the project into smaller, more manageable pieces, making it easier to track progress and stay focused on the most critical project deliverables.

Milestones can be used in various projects, from digital marketing to construction projects, to help ensure the project team stays on track and progresses toward the project goals.

Here’s how they can be used in project management:

1. Project planning and goal setting

Project milestones are used to set clear goals and objectives for the project. By doing this, the team can better understand what needs to be done, what resources are required, and how long it will take. Setting milestones also ensures everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

2. Monitoring project progress

Project milestones are used to monitor progress against the project plan. They provide a way to measure the team’s progress and identify potential issues or delays. Milestones are markers along the project timeline that show when significant phases or deliverables should be completed. By monitoring progress against these milestones, the team can identify areas where they fall behind the project schedule and take corrective action.

3. Communication and collaboration

Project milestones are used to communicate progress and updates to stakeholders, including team members, clients, and management. They help to facilitate communication and cooperation between team members and stakeholders. Milestones allow everyone involved in the project to stay informed about its progress, which is especially important for larger, more complex projects with many stakeholders.

4. Decision-making

A project milestone can be used to make critical project decisions. They provide a way to assess the project’s status and determine the best course of action. When the team is falling behind schedule, for example, they can use milestones to identify where the project is delayed and determine what steps need to be taken to get it back on track. Milestones also help to prioritize work and decide what deliverables are most critical to project success.

So why does setting milestones make your project better?

For PMs, milestones provide a way to stay on top of their project and ensure that everything moves in the right direction. Plus, they can help you communicate your project’s status to your clients and stakeholders in a way that’s clear and easy to understand. Who doesn’t love impressing their clients with a well-placed milestone or two?

For clients, milestones provide a sense of security and confidence that their project is well-managed. They can see that progress is being made, and they can rest easy knowing that the project is on track to meet their goals. Plus, milestones allow them to stay involved in the project process and provide feedback. It’s a win-win for everyone.

And finally, for project teams, milestones provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation. They help team members see the bigger picture and understand how their contributions fit the larger project goals.

5 examples of milestones in project management

In an efficient PM process, milestones can be used as light checkpoints, full reviews, or project updates. The type and frequency of milestones will depend on the specific needs of the project and the project management methodology being used.

Here are some examples of typical milestones you’ll find in a project:

1. Requirements gathering

This project management milestone involves identifying and documenting the specific needs and goals of the project stakeholders. It may include interviewing each stakeholder, reviewing existing documentation, and analyzing existing processes and systems. Once the requirements are documented, they can be used to develop the project plan and determine the necessary resources.

2. Prototype development

This milestone marks the completion of the project’s initial prototype or proof of concept. The prototype may be used to test and refine the project design before development. The team may work closely with stakeholders to get feedback on the prototype and make any necessary changes before moving on to the project’s next phase.

3. Beta testing

This milestone marks the completion of the beta testing phase, during which a limited group of users tests the project in a real-world environment. The development team may use the feedback from the beta testing to identify and address any bugs or issues before releasing the project to a broader audience.

4. User acceptance testing

This milestone marks the completion of user acceptance testing, during which a wider group of users tests the project to ensure that it meets the required specifications and user needs. This testing may include a variety of scenarios, such as stress testing, security testing, and performance testing, to ensure that the project can handle different use cases.

5. Launch or delivery

This milestone marks the official launch or delivery of the project, including any necessary training, documentation hand-off, or support project activities. The launch or delivery may be the final step in the project, or it may be followed by a post-launch review or maintenance phase to ensure that the project continues to meet the needs of its users.

4 misunderstandings about project milestones

If you’re uncertain about project milestones, you’re not alone. Many project managers need help understanding the purpose and benefits of setting milestones.

Here are some tips for overcoming misunderstandings about project milestones:

🚫 1. Milestones are just more useless paperwork

It is a common misconception that milestones are just more tedious paperwork to add to your workload. However, milestones don’t have to be a chore. Instead, consider them mini-celebrations that mark your progress and keep your team motivated. Crossing a major milestone off your list can be satisfying and provide a sense of accomplishment.

🚫 2. Milestones are only for the benefit of the project manager

Another common misunderstanding is that milestones only benefit the project manager. However, they are a way to keep everyone on the team accountable and ensure everyone is working towards the same goals. Milestones provide a clear path forward and help team members stay focused on the big picture, preventing them from getting lost in the details of their tasks.

🚫 3. Milestones are a waste of time

Setting meaningless milestones is indeed a waste of time. However, setting relevant and meaningful milestones can save time in the long run. By breaking a project down into smaller, more manageable pieces, potential roadblocks or delays can be identified early on and addressed before they become significant issues. This can help prevent costly rework or missed deadlines in the future.

🚫 4. Milestones are static and unchanging

Milestones should be dynamic and flexible, adapting to the project’s changing needs. If a particular deliverable takes longer than expected, its milestone may need to be adjusted to reflect the new timeline. By remaining flexible and adaptable, project managers can ensure that milestones stay relevant and effective throughout the project.



Streamline your milestone tracking with Float

Float makes it easy to manage your team’s workload, assign task dependencies, and set and track milestones. Take your milestone management to the next level with Float.

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Best practices for setting project milestones

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to setting project milestones, here are a few best practices to abide by:

1. Start with the end in mind

It’s essential to clearly understand each project goal and objective before setting any milestones. By working backward from the end goal, you can identify the key phases and deliverables needed to achieve those goals. This will help ensure that milestones are aligned with the project's overall objectives.

2. Keep milestones specific and measurable

To be effective, milestones should be clear, specific, and tied to specific deliverables or outcomes. This makes it easier to track progress and evaluate whether the project is on track to meet its goals. By making milestones measurable, you can ensure they are actionable and provide a clear sense of progress toward the project’s objectives.

3. Involve the team and client in setting milestones

Milestones should not be set in isolation by the project manager. Instead, involving the team and clients in setting milestones can be helpful. They will have a more detailed understanding of the tasks required to meet the project. This can also help to build buy-in and engagement from the team and client, as they will have a stake in the project’s success by helping to plan it realistically.

4. Use a visual tool for tracking milestones

It can be helpful to use a visual tool, such as a Gantt chart, or a resource management software like Float to track milestones and progress. This provides a clear and easy-to-understand overview of the project’s status and helps keep everyone aligned and on track. Using a visual tool, you can quickly see how milestones fit into the project timeline and how they relate to each project task—improving your overall project scheduling process.

How to manage project milestones in Float

Milestones are essential for monitoring important dates and keeping tabs on your project’s progress. With Float’s milestone feature, you can visualize these crucial moments as colored dots right at the top of your Schedule.

Hover over the dots to reveal more details and stay informed at a glance.

Milestones display at the top of the Schedule in Float
It’s easy to see all of your milestones in Float by hovering over the date

Creating a new milestone is a breeze:

  1. In the Project plan view of the Schedule, simply click on a date next to the project name where you’d like to add a milestone.
  2. Alternatively, head to an individual project’s details on the Manage page and select the Milestones tab.

Unlock the power of milestones in Float and stay in control of your project’s critical dates and updates!

The project menu is where milestones are managed
Milestones can be added and updated from the project menu


Overall, project milestones are like a Swiss Army knife for project management—versatile, reliable, and able to solve multiple problems simultaneously.

By providing structure, organization, and accountability to the project process, milestones support your team by setting clear goals, monitoring progress, enhancing communication, boosting morale, and managing risks.

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just starting, incorporating milestones into your project plan can significantly increase the likelihood of delivering a successful project.

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Some FAQs about project milestones

What are project milestones?

Project milestones are significant points or events in a project’s timeline that mark achievements, progress, or completion of key tasks. They are useful checkpoints to help you track the project’s progress and ensure it stays on schedule.

Who is responsible for setting project milestones?

Project milestones are typically defined by the project manager (PM) in collaboration with key stakeholders such as team members, clients, and sponsors. These milestones should be established early in the project planning phase and reviewed periodically to make sure they remain relevant and achievable.

How do you track project milestones?

Project milestones are tracked using project management tools and techniques such as Gantt charts, project dashboards, or milestone reports. Progress toward each milestone is monitored regularly, and adjustments are made to the project plan as needed to ensure milestones are met on time.