Best Work Life

Blog by the team at Float
We’re a fully remote team working async around the world. Learn the tools, processes, and culture that enables us to be productive and live our best work life.

A Collaborative and Data-driven Approach to Meetup Planning

How we use data and insights to inform the planning of our company meetups... throughout the year!
Business Operations Manager

Traveling With a Young Baby to Our Company Meetup

Returning to work just four months after birth, it was a special experience to bring my young family to our 2023 Float meetup.
Team Lead, Customer Success Manager

Tackling Technical Debt

Strategies, practical approaches, and a real life example of managing technical debt within a growing engineering team and SaaS business.
Tech Leads of Services and Interfaces teams

Raising the Bar: A Year of Enhancing our Onboarding Experience

In the last 12 months, we've launched and refined a live training program that continues to evolve. Here's how.
Former Onboarding Specialist

Overcoming Shyness in Remote Teams

Shyness can stand between us and our best work life. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are the simple steps I take every day that help me overcome shyness in an async remote team.
Content Marketer

Shipping UX Wins: The Building Blocks for Continuous Product Improvement

Prioritizing UX wins is crucial for delivering exceptional user experiences in SaaS and fostering cross-department collaboration.
Former Senior Technical Product Manager

Giving our Team Generous Agency Over Their Time

Empowering everyone on your team to have agency over their time is key to wellbeing and productivity. Here's how we seek to provide agency to each team member at Float.
Director of People and Operations

Why We Prioritize Flexibility Over a Four-Day Workweek

The key to an effective and productive team isn't a four-day workweek but a fully-remote workforce and a flexible schedule.
CEO & Co-Founder

How to Build a Strong, Connected Remote Team of 50+ People

Working remotely can feel lonely and disconnected at times. Virtual spaces and group experiences help bring our team closer together.
Former Talent & Experience Coordinator

Introducing the Float Handbook for Working Async Remote

Our commitment to transparency and open communication extends beyond just our hiring process. Here's why we've decided to make the Float Handbook public.
Former Talent Partner

Best Work Life newsletter

Each quarter, our operations team shares unique insights on how we work async while building a strong and connected global remote team.

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