Try the Float desktop timer app

The Float desktop timer app is now available for everyone to download! In October, we introduced an in-app timer that automatically logs your recorded time as entries in Float. Now, the dedicated timer app makes it even easier to start recording your time on tasks—directly from your desktop.

Here's how to get started:

Download and install the app on your desktop device

Ok, we know this might seem obvious, but it's the key step that differs from opening your browser and logging into Float! The Timer app is compatible with macOS and Windows and can be downloaded here.

To use the app, your system must be:

✅ macOS 10.12 or later
✅ Windows 7 or higher
✅ .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
⚠️ The Timer app is currently not available on the Float mobile app

Once you've downloaded the timer, sign in to get started!

Your scheduled tasks automatically appear in the timer app

When you log in, you'll immediately see a list of your scheduled tasks for that day. Simply click on a task to start recording! When you're done or need to take a break ☕️, hit the stop button to stop or pause. You can start timing again with the play button with each stop and start creating a time entry automatically logged in Float. Don't worry, all of your time entries are editable!

Add new tasks directly in the app to start timing

Need to work on a last-minute task that's not scheduled in Float? No problem! Simply hit the + button to add your task and start timing!

Remember, you can stop and restart the timer at any time, and edit your entries afterwards.

Take the desktop timer app for a spin!

Ready to try the app out for yourself? Download it now from this page and let us know what you think in our Float Slack community.

Here's a step-by-step article on how the timer works if you want to find out more.

The Float desktop timer app is now available for everyone to download! In October, we introduced an in-app timer that automatically logs your recorded time as entries in Float. Now, the dedicated timer app makes it even easier to start recording your time on tasks—directly from your desktop.

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