Saved filters have expanded to Views, with shareable options!

Saved views hero post

Now you can save your favorite filters as 'Views' in Float. Admins will have the option to set their saved Views as 'Personal' or 'Shared', which determines whether or not you want this View accessible to your team.

This has been a popular request for larger accounts who are working as teams within teams in Float. For example, let's say that you're a 30-people design department working in a 150-people Float team. Your team will be able to log in and access your shared View 'Design team' to quickly see what's relevant to them, faster.

Here's what you need to know

What is a View?

Views are an enhanced version of saving a filter in Float. In addition to the filters you’ve created, a View will save the sort order and the page you are on, e.g., reports.

What's happened to my already saved filters?

You can access these from the same drop-down menu. Now they'll display as Views instead!

Who can use Views?

  • Everyone on the Team can create Views for their own use.
  • Managers, Admins, and Account Owners can make Views available to the whole Team by saving them as “shared” Views. 🎉
    Note: This is available on Pro and Enterprise plans only

How will Views help me and my Team?

  • Reduce overwhelm for users in large teams by seeing what’s relevant to you, faster.
  • Switch between frequently used view configurations without having to repeat setup each time.
  • Pin the Views you use most to the top of your saved list for easy access.
  • Streamline discussions about resource allocation in Float—by guiding everyone to the same shared Views for faster alignment.

Thank you to the group of customers who beta-tested and shared their feedback on this feature. If you're interested to try new Float features first, join our Slack community for early access.

Saved views hero post

Now you can save your favorite filters as 'Views' in Float. Admins will have the option to set their saved Views as 'Personal' or 'Shared', which determines whether or not you want this View accessible to your team.

This has been a popular request for larger accounts who are working as teams within teams in Float. For example, let's say that you're a 30-people design department working in a 150-people Float team. Your team will be able to log in and access your shared View 'Design team' to quickly see what's relevant to them, faster.

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