Time logs now display in hours and minutes (HH:MM) format

At Float, we often think of capacity and allocations in hours, e.g., Rachel is allocated 20 hours on Ben & Jerry's summer campaign next week. We've listened to feedback that an hours and minutes, HH:MM, format is more natural for viewing time tracking logs. In other words, if a team member logs 45 minutes of work, it's easier to see this displayed as 00:45 than 0.75 hours.

That's why time tracking pages have been updated to show in an hours and minutes, HH:MM, format—making your team's logged time clearer and more intuitive to see.

HH:MM log time update

Here's what you need to know:

  • Only time logging is changing to HH:MM. Your Schedule will still appear in decimal hours.
  • You can switch back to decimal hours at any time in your Personal settings.
  • Don't worry about your data—nothing's changing. It will still be stored the same way, meaning that your reports and exports will continue to work as is.
  • Suggested time logs are still shown when available. The date on the log time modal is now fixed for greater accuracy, meaning that you can't modify the date when logging time from the modal, but you can still click and drag to edit this on the log time page.

This update aligns with our new web timer feature launching in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

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