Halli Thorleifsson


"Culture is probably the single most important thing for us. It’s hard to define what it is, but you know it when you see it and feel it."

Matt + Kristen + Joe

Red Six Media

"There are late nights, tough lessons, and maybe even a little heartbreak ahead—but nothing beats doing what you love for a living and doing it your way."

Nick + Vern


"I guess you don’t ever know what the right path is. As long as you’re enjoying yourself, it’s probably going in the right direction."

Genevieve Brannigan

Communications Collective

"I’ll never forget the generosity shown to me by my mentors and I hope to pay it back by mentoring the next generation coming through."

Andrew Hoyne


"27 years ago, I had long hair, lived in a 5x4m shoebox, and no driver’s license. That’s when I started Hoyne, and thank God things have changed since then!"

Will + Ben


"Our team is growing, we continue to win pitches, and we’re delivering amazing creative work for our clients—that's how we measure our success."
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