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Automate your workflow with Zapier

Connect Float with 2,000+ of your favorite apps using Zapier. Create projects, add people, and update timesheets instantly.

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Create projects and schedule resources in seconds

A Zap is what connects Float with other apps. Set up Zaps that automatically create new people, projects, tasks (and more) in Float when they are added to a connected app.



Connect tasks and make updates in real time

Create a Zap that monitors your tasks in Float and instantly updates them in your connected app (or vice versa). No more double handling!

Sync your team’s logged time

Send your team’s logged time in Float to other applications for easy reporting and invoicing.


Connect Zapier and Float


From Zapier

  1. Log in or sign up for Zapier.
  2. Visit the Float App and click Connect.
  3. Create new Zaps using the available triggers and actions.

Float logo

From Float

  1. Navigate to the Team Settings.
  2. Select the Integrations tab.
  3. Click View Zaps.
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